This Daily Devotion is to help our members and others reflect on the understanding of Christian service to our Lord.
Devotion for Monday, February 10, 2025
The Rt. Rev. Archimandrite, Msgr. George Appleyard
An Invitation to Prayer
Bring us to walk in the company of good people, O Lord,
and to avoid the corruption of the ungodly.
—So that we may please you in righteousness
and pray to you with integrity.
Psalm 1
Blessed is the one
who did not follow the advice of the ungodly,
nor take a stand with sinners,
nor take a seat with the corrupt.
What he wants is the Law of the Lord,
and he reflects on that Law day and night.
He will be like a tree planted near streams of water
which yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaves never wither,
and everything he does prospers.
Not so the ungodly; not so!
They are like the chaff scattered from the face of the earth.
And so the ungodly will not stand at the judgment,
nor sinners in the council of the just.
For the Lord knows the way of the just,
but the way of the ungodly is finished.
From St. Basil’s “Lakizois” homily
“Do not be an associate of a quick tempered person, nor share quarters with a hot tempered one, lest you pick up his ways and get a snag in your soul.” Proverbs 22:24 Is there anyone among us who thirsts for glory but is not quick tempered? Then you do not see things calmly. Do not associate with a quick tempered person. Can you see how just a few words can correct a sin? So, unless we can knock on your ears with our voice, we will not instill in your heart an understanding of what was said. So put this question to yourself instead; “What was read that pertains to me?” O irritable dunce! Realize that what pertains to irascible people pertains to you, and then say, “I am afflicted with this passion. I recognize my illness.” And then accept the cure. If you go to a physician and see the array of expensive drugs stored in different containers, figure out which one is best for you. A person with a sore foot does not look for drugs for the eyes. And someone who has injured his eye seeks the appropriate remedy for the ailment. And so, let everyone take from Scripture what is appropriate for the passion that afflicts him. Are you quick tempered? Harness your anger, for the Scripture says, “Every kindly soul is blessed; while a hot tempered person is not respected.” Prov. 11:26 Learn from the Scripture. Let the Scripture be your mirror where you see your face. Since twisted thinking may cloud the mind and not allow you to see how great a sin anger is, the Scripture says, “a hot tempered person is not respected.”
A Prayer
We are called by your Holy Spirit, O God, into the company of people who strive for goodness, but sometimes it is difficult to discern the rough blessing from the soft indulgence. By that same Holy Spirit, O God, help me to discern when stern action on my part is a real blessing for someone else, and when my lazy tolerance is as good as a curse, and do not let my emotional reactions cloud my judgment. Amen!