This Daily Devotion is to help our members and others reflect on the understanding of Christian service to our Lord.

Devotion for Tuesday, December 16, 2025

The Rt. Rev. Archimandrite, Msgr. George Appleyard

An Invitation to Prayer

This is what the Lord says,
In a little while I will shake heaven and earth,
the sea and the dry land.
I will shake all the nations
and the desire of all the nations shall come
and I will fill this house with glory. (Haggai 2:7)
-Come, let us adore him.


I have done what is right and just,
do not hand me over to those who wrong me.
Welcome your servant to good things,
do not let detractors malign me.
My eyes get weak (looking) for your salvation,
and for word of your justice.
Deal with your servant according to your mercy,
and teach me your pronouncements.
I am your servant; teach me
and I will know your testimonies.
It is time to act for the Lord,
(for) they have shattered your law.
And so I have loved all your commandments,
more than gold and topaz.
And I have guided myself by all your statutes,
and hated every way of evil.

A reading adapted from Basil’s, On the Human Condition

“And God blessed them and said, Grow and multiply, and fill the earth.”Gen. 1:28 There are two kinds of growth, physical and psychological. The growth of the mind is progress to perfection through things learned, while physical growth is development from a smaller stature to an appropriate stature. Thus “grow,” addressed to the irrational animals, is aimed at full physical development, to a natural maturity; but we are told to “grow” in our inner humanity, which is progress in growing toward God. This is what Paul meant when he saidPhil. 3:13, “I reach out for the things ahead while forgetting what I left behind.” This is growth in vision, in piety, toward improvement, as we ever grasp for true realities, always leaving what had been to seek what is lacking in piety, as far as this is required of us.

A Prayer

O Lord God, as you spoke through the prophet Haggai of the new temple, to be more glorious than the previous, make our Order a cathedral of your glory, and every member a chapel therein, so that by our pledged way of life in your service we may come to see your glory in Christ Jesus, our Lord, the living Temple rebuilt in three days.
Amen. Cf. John 2:21


The prophet Haggai is remembered in the East today.