This Daily Devotion is to help our members and others reflect on the understanding of Christian service to our Lord.
Devotion for Monday, December 8, 2025
The Rt. Rev. Archimandrite, Msgr. George Appleyard
An Invitation to Prayer
On that day, will be the remaining stock of Jesse
and he who shall arise to rule over the nations.
The nations will hope in him,
and the place of his rest shall befit him. (Isaiah 11:10)
-Come, let us adore him!
Psalm 118/119, Heth
The Lord is my portion
and I declared that I would keep your law.
I have implored you with all my heart;
have mercy on me as you said you would.
I considered your ways,
and turned my feet to your testimonies.
I was ready and not hesitant to keep your decrees.
The traps of sinners snagged me,
but I did not forget your law.
I get up at midnight to acknowledge you
because of your fair judgments.
I am a partner to all who fear you,
all those who keep you precepts.
The world is full of your mercy, O Lord;
teach me your decisions.
A reading adapted from Basil’s, On the Human Condition
“Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matt.5:48) Do you see how the Lord restores to us what pertains to the likeness? For “he makes the sun rise on the good and the bad, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.” (Matt. 5:45) If you develop an aversion to evil, free of rancor, not holding a grudge; if you develop a love for your brother and sister and become compassionate, then you are like God. If you forgive your enemy from your heart, you are like God. If-as God is toward you, a sinner-you become the same way toward the brother or sister that has wronged you, by your heart-felt good will toward your neighbor, you are like God. As you have the character of the image by virtue of your reason, by practicing kindness you come to be like God. A Prayer to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary
O Mary, chosen to bear the Son of God,
honored to nurse him and cradle him,
and to care for him so intimately in his infant days,
enable me to remember the words of your Son,
that “ at long as you did it for one of these-
the least of my brothers or sisters-
you did it for me.” (Matt. 25:40)
May all my efforts, as a Christian and a member of this Order,
promote the wellbeing of all people.
For many in the West, the conception of the Virgin Mary by Joachim & Ann is remembered today, while most of the East will remember it tomorrow.