This Daily Devotion is to help our members and others reflect on the understanding of Christian service to our Lord.
Devotion for Tuesday, December 9, 2025
The Rt. Rev. Archimandrite, Msgr. George Appleyard
An Invitation to Prayer
The Lord himself will give us a sign,
the virgin will be pregnant and bear a son,
and we shall call him “God is with us!” Cf. Isaiah 7:14
-Come, let us welcome Emmanuel!
You have dealt kindly with your servant, O Lord,
in accordance with your word.
Teach me kindness, and discipline, and knowledge,
because I believed in your commandments.
I went astray before I was humbled, and so I have keep your law.
You are kind, O Lord;
in your kindness teach me your judgments.
The injustice of the proud against me has gotten worse,
but with my whole heart I study your commandments.
Their heart was curdled like milk,
but I meditated on your law.
It was good for me that you humbled me,
so that I might learn your judgments.
The law from your mouth is worth more to me
than thousands in gold and silver.
A reading adapted from Basil’s, On the Human Condition
“And God blessed the human being and said, ‘Grow and multiply and fill the earth.’”Gen. 1:28 This blessing was also bestowed upon the fish. “And God said, ‘Let the waters bring forth reptiles with living souls,’ and thus it came to be.”Gen. 1:20 “And God said, ‘Grow and multiply and fill the water.’”Gen. 1:22 What surpasses this? These words deal with both the things you have in common with other creatures and the things reserved properly for humans. For you grow as the rest of living creatures do. From a little thing at first, by small increases you come to maturity, like dogs and horses, eagles and swans, and anything you might mention. Then by decline they again return to a lesser stature. So the things bestowed on nature were also bestowed on you.
A Prayer
O God who does the impossible,
O Lord who reconciles opposites,
visit us with the power of your Spirit
to put light in our minds
and love in our hearts
for the sake of your glory.